วันจันทร์ที่ 30 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Monk in Thailand !

Monk is one of the Triple Gem, which includes the Buddha Dhamma and Sangha by monks in the Sangha refers only to the Buddhist saint is a person, whether laity or clergy. And whether human or angel The practice so far has achieved ambitious It is generally understood that priests, monks or nuns. Is the man who hears the word and teaches the faith as ordained by the Buddha left the house. I want to have achieved by the Buddha taught the Dharma. A Buddhist priest Sikkabt monks follow a predetermined number of the 227 nuns maintain Sikkabt 311, sometimes called the clergy. Buddhist statue in the religion of Gautama Buddha is the Anya attitude towards logic decoding.

Bhikkhu Sangha, or the latter is popularly known as the hypothetical Buddhist monk who has been ordained by Royal Puttha permission. Thera ranging from 4 up to the consistory. Because that means that among the clergy. Among the so-called monks monk. And among the nuns as a nun, priests organized into four paragraphs, followed by Royal Puttha permission to do Maximus works by the discipline's Square, paragraph 4 of Yฺ the paragraph 5 Figure heavenly 10 makes sense, paragraph 20, if the. Figure 2-3 the priests called (because they share the same two parties were not formed) if a monk as a person.

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