วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2559

Good, evil or negative.

There is no doubt that sin so that we can do good deeds annul evil or not. Many of you may not have a clear answer. Do not need I do not do evil to do good or to do evil, evil is good to do good, evil annul or not ???

This may quibble that back and forth. If you think about karma will see that good deeds will not change evil. And evil is good karma can be changed as well. Everything is impermanent unstable

For example, the If we add a glass of water or a little water into the water, then took a small chunk of mud dripping into the water turbid. Then add water until it faded into a clear and normal. Tall glass of water

If you are asked to clone it or not, it's not. Mud was also in the same water, but it's better than a lot of water and mud to clear the same. This would be called So much so that good deeds It's not as evil or invisible evil thereof.

Before the Buddha's finger found A lot of people do evil But when I met teachings. Turn to a religious moral line. Finally, with the good As achieving a saint called "beginning of the end of the match" in the way it needs to repent of sin really get results.

You may even be killed for killing so many people. But just being stoned all the time, to ask for alms. It is made out of more than merit. Now that you are after, then ordained Have you ever thought of a poem that came to mind.

"When I was a thief, who was a fierce finger. Randy big circular swimming float mid-stream. Living Buddha is a firm and secure grip, now I sit happily sleeping happily delivered from the evil clutches She's amazing. The great Prophet of mercy. "

Evil or sin, it can be omitted. And whatever sinned, then diluted with philanthropy in the life of merit and goodness. It is a happy life Like your finger, and these wicked hearts in this world. I am happy to be back.

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