วันจันทร์ที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2559

Lucky Symbol in The World

In the course of human history, every culture or religion has assumed lucky symbols, amulets and talismans bear chance or luck. These lucky symbols are deeply rooted in the human subconscious and lead people to seek tangible objects that embody them at home, at work or in the car, that form of protection against negative forces or powers that they can abduct hope, love, and prosperity.

Even though many people do not recognize any knowhow that would be able to believe in lucky symbols, a closer look you can see that possess at least a good luck charms. Amulets, talismans or symbols of good fortune can be found nowadays in women's handbags and men's wallets in the form of rings, pendants, key rings, ornaments door house decorations of machinery, chains, bracelets and rings. What attracts attention is an ancient Egyptian lucky symbol which is called Ankh. Ankh is an Egyptian hieroglyph which is considered by a lot of people on of the best lucky symbols, the symbol of long life.

Pharaohs received an ankh amulet form's birth. This lucky symbol was the ancient Egyptian meaning for eternal life. They were represented very often near an ankh (Seth, Osiris, Ra) as proof of their ability to transcend death. Pharaonic sarcophagi were placed on the chest of an ankh king to symbolize eternal life breath. (Eg Tutankhamen) Ankh symbol is not limited to material life but move on it, symbolizing life in death also was used to protect against evil spirits. Some theories claim that the Ankh is the sunrise. Loop symbolizing the sun, symbolizing the horizon line horizontal and vertical line symbolizing the sun's path. Over the years, the ankh has become the symbol of life and immortality, the universe, power, water and vivifying air. Its shape, similar to a key can open doors encouraged the belief that death. Ankh is not just a simple cross, but also a symbolic representation of the human body. Loop the head, horizontal line, hands and vertical line - feet. It brings money and luck. There is a myth about this lucky symbol ankh. They say that if someone loses or breaks it, does not have very long to live

